Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Random Thoughts: Volume V

I made a goal for myself a few weeks ago to sit out on my front porch more often, after I wake up, and just take my time getting going for the day.  I work 2nd shift at my job, so I have the luxury of doing this without being up early, without being rushed, and having it be day-light.  I've been doing pretty well with that goal...also gives me time to think!

Not 5 thoughts this week, but it'll suffice.  If you're bored, go check out the other blog posts at 1st Word Blog.


 **This is NOT going to be a comment regarding my political affiliation, etc.  This is just an observation I have made in the past on both sides of the aisle**

1.)  I keep reading headlines that go something like, "Gov. Walker talks to Conservative Group."    Why do our elected officials only seem to speak to "like" groups?  Well, I know why.  It avoids conflict.  However, shouldn't someone like Walker that had 60% of votes, or Obama who barely had over 50%, be speaking to the "other side" on a regular basis?  Walker gave a speech after he won his recall election stating that he needed to work to mend the gap of the divide in our great state.  Obama said the same thing to some effect regarding our country.  If I were either of them, I'd be making it a point to do more Q&A's/Town Hall Meeting/Speeches with the "other side" to work on finding some common ground.  I know doing that type of thing would probably end up being more "Punch & Duck," but wouldn't it at least be an effort?  I was watching a show about Presidents the other day, and I was surprised to find that Bill Clinton left office with the highest approval rating in the history of Presidents--AFTER his Monica debacle.  Ronald Reagan was a very close 2nd.  Then it struck me...both of those men made an effort to appeal to BOTH SIDES, not just their respective parties.  Sadly, I don't think we'll ever have another President leave office with approval ratings that high, simply because the yahoos we keep electing have only one goal--PLEASE THEIR OWN PARTY TO ADVANCE THEMSELVES PERSONALLY.  I wish these guys/women would realize that they already won over their own side...time to appeal to the opposition a bit.

2.)  #Hashtagssuck.  If you know me, I hate hash-tags.  I've hated them since Twitter became a thing.  I think they make a post look messy.  I spend more time trying to translate a hash-tag into normal English.  I think they are tacky, useless, and annoying.  And now Facebook decided to join the club!  WHYYYYY?  Facebook lead the way with social media.  Why are they conforming to something Twitter did to be unique?  And what purpose to those stupid things serve?  I have always been annoyed with people that have their Twitter and Facebook linked together.  When someone's Facebook status was full of #####'s, it drove me nuts!  And why are they called hash-tags?  Isn't that the POUND sign?  I saw a news story about hash-tags, and it's a way "to tag a topic."  Hasn't Facebook allowed you to "tag" something for years now???  Why fix something that's not broken???  #STUPID!!!!!!!

3.)  What's in a name?  North West.  Direction or baby name?  Another celebrity couple setting their child up for failure, ridicule, and tabloid fun for years to come.  Apple?  CoCo?  Saw a guy's post on Facebook this morning who said he's going to name his kid Taco.  His last name is Bell.  Why do people do that to their kids???  Granted, Kim and Kanye's kid was screwed from the moment of conception...it's a Kardashian.  Some names locally that I do get a kick out of...I dated a girl who's eye doctor was Dr. Winker.  A vet in Green Bay is Dr. Barker.  I guess some people are just meant to do something great with their lives.  I just hope Princess Kate and Prince William don't name their kid "Killer."  It'd be weird to see a People Magazine headline read "Welcome Baby Killer Wales." 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

5 Random Thoughts: Volume IV

I am really bad at this "every week" thing.  If you care, I'm sorry.  I don't think enough people read this for me to truly care.  If you are one of the people reading this, thank you.  It's nice to know a few people enjoy my thoughts!

As usual, check out the other bloggers' posts at 1st Word Blog.

1.)  I wanted to start out with a joke I heard last week, courtesy of Larry the Cable Guy:

"If a stadium is full of midgets, and they do the wave, wouldn't it be a ripple?"

I thought it was pretty funny.  Sorry if you have a stick up your butt and don't...try to be a bit happier in life and not take things so seriously :)

2.)  The cover story in this past week's People Magazine was how Jennifer Aniston and her latest/current/probably-not-last fiance are putting wedding plans on hold.  WHO REALLY CARES???  Why is our world SO obsessed with celebrity weddings?  For me it's right up there with that royal couple who are having a baby next month.  98% of these Hollywood couples are not a good example of how marriages are.  They fall madly in love (sometimes while still married to someone else--ie. Leann Rimes), get married in some big, over the top ordeal, get divorced because one of them looked at someone else in a bad way, then use their pre-nup to decide who gets what, and they move on with their lives.  It annoys me.

PS--Kim Kardashian finally gave birth...when's the party?  And Jay Cutler got married...atleast he has someone to officially whine too!

3.)  Chad Johnson.  Immature moron.  Slap your attorney on the butt and get 30 days in jail.  When will this idiot grow up and deal with his issues as an adult?  These type of people think the world revolves around them.  Annoying.  Grow up, move on with your life, and try to do some good with the oxygen you're using up!  I applaud that judge for giving him jail time, and not backing down (as of this writing). 

4.)  The Packers just wrapped up their OTA's...5 or so weeks until Training Camp begins!  I work at St. Norbert College, and the AC units are already installed in their dorm rooms.  I haven't had time to sit down and think about what is on the horizon for them this season, but it's kind of fun to think that football is right around the corner!  Can't wait!

5.)  Finally, my wife and I just returned from some time away in Door County.  My parents get a camp site at Peninsula State Park for two weeks every year.  All of us kids come and go as we please.  It sure was nice to get away for awhile.  The weather was great, the water was somewhat calm, and my dad and I actually caught a few fish!  I literally could feel my attitude change when I returned to town on Thursday.  Not in a horrible way, but enough to know I was back in the "real world."  I hope more vacations can happen more often, even if it's only for a few days here and there.  Nice to be re-energized once in awhile!