Saturday, July 13, 2013

Random Thoughts: Volume VI

Judging from Facebook "likes" and comments, a lot of my friends have seen this picture already.  If you haven't, there was a perfect rainbow in the Green Bay/De Pere area a couple weeks ago.  I took this on the St. Norbert College campus.  That is Old St. Joseph Church.  Enjoy!

1.)  This past Thursday, July 11, was a great day for Appleton sports radio.  It was the last day of the "Generic Sports Show" on WSCO (95.3FM) hosted by Scott Stevens.  The ONLY reason I would listen to the show here and there is because it was the only sports stuff on the radio in this market other than Jim Rome in that time-slot.  Scott Stevens is probably the most whiny, over the top, fake, and annoying radio host in the market (and that's saying something!).  His rants were a lot of times forced, almost like as he was hearing himself talk he realized that he needed to make it bigger.  His regular callers had to all be in their 70's, had awful fake laughs, and would ramble on and on and on.  My only hope is that they don't bring in the guy who also does the stadium announcing for the T-Rats.  I can't even remember his name, but if I have to hear him "scoop" and "enhance" everything he says, I think I may have to call Harry Sydney just to hear him speak...........just kidding.  If you've been to a T-Rats' game, that annoying guy announcing the names sounds the same on the radio...  

2.)  For some reason over the past couple weeks I've caught the introduction to the National Anthem before a radio broadcast of the Brewers' games, only for them to go to commercial as it was about to start.  That got me thinking...why don't we get to hear/see the National Anthem being performed prior to a sporting event on TV/radio?  It's usually only the big games that we are privileged to hear/see that portion, and usually only because it's a famous singer performing it.  Is it really that important  to sell those commercial spots?  Why can't we all get to hear/watch that part, and THEN go to commercial?  During the television broadcast of a home Brewers' game we get to watch "America the Beautiful" during the middle of the 7th inning.  Just seems fitting that we could hear/see the National Anthem as well!

3.)  Speaking of Brewers' games, the ONE good thing about them stinking up the NL Central is that Bob Uecker seems to tell more stories!  What a treasure we have in that man!  Because of the hours I work, I have listened to almost every Brewers' game this season on the radio.  I love nothing more than to hear a pitch sequence interrupted by Uecker telling about how he met so-and-so, and he told him something off the wall 40+ years ago.  It will be a sad day when Uecker retires.  His type of play-by-play is a dying breed in today's sporting world (ie. Jim Irwin and Max McGee vs. Wayne Larivee and Larry McCarren...I like Larry...worked with him for awhile...can't stand Wayne...for the record).  I'm just glad we'll have recordings of him to play for the next generation as they learn to love the game of baseball!

 4.)  I am sick and tired of negative people.  I have literally had it.  Someone fairly close to me has recently proven this to me.  This person has recently ripped my profession because cops "have it pretty easy."  This person hates the Packers and their organization because they make too much money.  This person hates business owners because they make too much money.  This person hates the highway project because it cost too much money and is "stupid."  The ironic part is that this person purchases cars and other motor stuff for cheap, fixes them up, and sells them for good cash...aka, they make a profit.  That's okay though.  So basically, when this person benefits, it's okay.  When they don't, the other people are crooks.   This person has always had a hate towards something...just has gotten worse as of late.  Sadly, I've been noticing this a lot amongst people I know...both in person and on Facebook/Twitter.  I'm to the point that I'm just going to start cutting these people out of my life.  Why bother with pity parties and woe-is-me junk?  Life is too short, and I'm sick of being brought down with them.  If you're reading this and you start realizing I'm no longer conversing with you, maybe you should take a hint.

5.)  Finally, I have a poll question:  Who's the bigger train-wreck...Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Bynes, or Miley Cyrus?  Talk about some classy ladies.  Lohan is well documented.  Bynes just can't figure out which wig she's going to wear on a given day, and Cyrus needs help.  Sad to think it, but all I see is Marilyn Monroe and that Smith chick all over these 3 girls...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Random Thoughts: Volume V

I made a goal for myself a few weeks ago to sit out on my front porch more often, after I wake up, and just take my time getting going for the day.  I work 2nd shift at my job, so I have the luxury of doing this without being up early, without being rushed, and having it be day-light.  I've been doing pretty well with that goal...also gives me time to think!

Not 5 thoughts this week, but it'll suffice.  If you're bored, go check out the other blog posts at 1st Word Blog.


 **This is NOT going to be a comment regarding my political affiliation, etc.  This is just an observation I have made in the past on both sides of the aisle**

1.)  I keep reading headlines that go something like, "Gov. Walker talks to Conservative Group."    Why do our elected officials only seem to speak to "like" groups?  Well, I know why.  It avoids conflict.  However, shouldn't someone like Walker that had 60% of votes, or Obama who barely had over 50%, be speaking to the "other side" on a regular basis?  Walker gave a speech after he won his recall election stating that he needed to work to mend the gap of the divide in our great state.  Obama said the same thing to some effect regarding our country.  If I were either of them, I'd be making it a point to do more Q&A's/Town Hall Meeting/Speeches with the "other side" to work on finding some common ground.  I know doing that type of thing would probably end up being more "Punch & Duck," but wouldn't it at least be an effort?  I was watching a show about Presidents the other day, and I was surprised to find that Bill Clinton left office with the highest approval rating in the history of Presidents--AFTER his Monica debacle.  Ronald Reagan was a very close 2nd.  Then it struck me...both of those men made an effort to appeal to BOTH SIDES, not just their respective parties.  Sadly, I don't think we'll ever have another President leave office with approval ratings that high, simply because the yahoos we keep electing have only one goal--PLEASE THEIR OWN PARTY TO ADVANCE THEMSELVES PERSONALLY.  I wish these guys/women would realize that they already won over their own side...time to appeal to the opposition a bit.

2.)  #Hashtagssuck.  If you know me, I hate hash-tags.  I've hated them since Twitter became a thing.  I think they make a post look messy.  I spend more time trying to translate a hash-tag into normal English.  I think they are tacky, useless, and annoying.  And now Facebook decided to join the club!  WHYYYYY?  Facebook lead the way with social media.  Why are they conforming to something Twitter did to be unique?  And what purpose to those stupid things serve?  I have always been annoyed with people that have their Twitter and Facebook linked together.  When someone's Facebook status was full of #####'s, it drove me nuts!  And why are they called hash-tags?  Isn't that the POUND sign?  I saw a news story about hash-tags, and it's a way "to tag a topic."  Hasn't Facebook allowed you to "tag" something for years now???  Why fix something that's not broken???  #STUPID!!!!!!!

3.)  What's in a name?  North West.  Direction or baby name?  Another celebrity couple setting their child up for failure, ridicule, and tabloid fun for years to come.  Apple?  CoCo?  Saw a guy's post on Facebook this morning who said he's going to name his kid Taco.  His last name is Bell.  Why do people do that to their kids???  Granted, Kim and Kanye's kid was screwed from the moment of's a Kardashian.  Some names locally that I do get a kick out of...I dated a girl who's eye doctor was Dr. Winker.  A vet in Green Bay is Dr. Barker.  I guess some people are just meant to do something great with their lives.  I just hope Princess Kate and Prince William don't name their kid "Killer."  It'd be weird to see a People Magazine headline read "Welcome Baby Killer Wales." 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

5 Random Thoughts: Volume IV

I am really bad at this "every week" thing.  If you care, I'm sorry.  I don't think enough people read this for me to truly care.  If you are one of the people reading this, thank you.  It's nice to know a few people enjoy my thoughts!

As usual, check out the other bloggers' posts at 1st Word Blog.

1.)  I wanted to start out with a joke I heard last week, courtesy of Larry the Cable Guy:

"If a stadium is full of midgets, and they do the wave, wouldn't it be a ripple?"

I thought it was pretty funny.  Sorry if you have a stick up your butt and don't...try to be a bit happier in life and not take things so seriously :)

2.)  The cover story in this past week's People Magazine was how Jennifer Aniston and her latest/current/probably-not-last fiance are putting wedding plans on hold.  WHO REALLY CARES???  Why is our world SO obsessed with celebrity weddings?  For me it's right up there with that royal couple who are having a baby next month.  98% of these Hollywood couples are not a good example of how marriages are.  They fall madly in love (sometimes while still married to someone else--ie. Leann Rimes), get married in some big, over the top ordeal, get divorced because one of them looked at someone else in a bad way, then use their pre-nup to decide who gets what, and they move on with their lives.  It annoys me.

PS--Kim Kardashian finally gave birth...when's the party?  And Jay Cutler got married...atleast he has someone to officially whine too!

3.)  Chad Johnson.  Immature moron.  Slap your attorney on the butt and get 30 days in jail.  When will this idiot grow up and deal with his issues as an adult?  These type of people think the world revolves around them.  Annoying.  Grow up, move on with your life, and try to do some good with the oxygen you're using up!  I applaud that judge for giving him jail time, and not backing down (as of this writing). 

4.)  The Packers just wrapped up their OTA's...5 or so weeks until Training Camp begins!  I work at St. Norbert College, and the AC units are already installed in their dorm rooms.  I haven't had time to sit down and think about what is on the horizon for them this season, but it's kind of fun to think that football is right around the corner!  Can't wait!

5.)  Finally, my wife and I just returned from some time away in Door County.  My parents get a camp site at Peninsula State Park for two weeks every year.  All of us kids come and go as we please.  It sure was nice to get away for awhile.  The weather was great, the water was somewhat calm, and my dad and I actually caught a few fish!  I literally could feel my attitude change when I returned to town on Thursday.  Not in a horrible way, but enough to know I was back in the "real world."  I hope more vacations can happen more often, even if it's only for a few days here and there.  Nice to be re-energized once in awhile!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5 Random Thoughts--Volume III

Late as usual, but I've been so busy that I haven't had time to think!  I have so many random thoughts throughout my days...I should probably start writing them down!!! 

If you haven't already, I invite you to check out what the other guys that contribute to this blog have had to say over the past several weeks.  Some good stuff!  1st Word Home Page

1.)  First of all, I need to send my prayers and thoughts to those affected by the Oklahoma tornado.  I am a firm believer in that something positive ALWAYS comes out of something negative.  In this situation, of all the many stories coming from this tragedy, I heard a sports news report that Oklahoma City Thunder's (NBA) Kevin Durant's foundation would be donating $1 million to relief services for victims.  After that, the NBA and the player's union matched that donation.  The team itself also matched the donation.  And then 2 large corporations, both sponsors of the Thunder, added another $3.5 million total.  That's a total of $6.5 million, from 6 different entities.  The report also stated that Durant did not want it known that he made the donation--humble!  I know $6.5 million is going to be a small drop in the bucket in this case, but what a great start and example!  Now, can you imagine what this world (or just our country!) would be like if those that were super fortunate, and blessed, financially would be that selfless??!!  Do Albert Pujols, Alex Rodriguez, Aaron Rodgers, and Lebron James really need the full amount of money given to them in their monster contracts?  And those are just 4 athletes.  That's not counting the numerous CEOs, actors, lottery winners, etc. out there that have more money than they know what to do with!  Something to ponder.  So many ways to get involved in this situation.  Glad to see so many from our own community already doing so!  Turn on the news to see what I'm talking about!

2.)  The Brewers...eek!  More and more people are calling for changes across the board.  I wrote a while back that I felt Ron Roenicke should not be fired in the middle of the year, in contrast to the "norm" in professional sports.  I still feel that way.  Yes, everything starts with leadership.  A good friend and co-worker likes to say, "You lead from the front!"  However, you can only lead a horse to water...can't make them drink.  At the end of the day, the players are the ones playing the game.  If they aren't producing (Rickie Weeks!), you need to find other options.  Maybe that's where Roenicke is at fault.  I have not seen much in the way of help coming in.  Not counting anyone out of a pennant race yet, but it's getting close.  I still love watching baseball...but I can't help but notice that Packers Training Camp is only a couple months away!

3.)  Our beloved Pope Francis was the topic of an article I saw today on Facebook.  It talked about how even Atheists are able to be redeemed as well!  I'm glad my personal belief has finally been publicly acknowledged!  To me, it shouldn't matter what, who, or how you believe in something.  If you are a good person, you are fulfilling the human desire!  How can that be faulted?  Here is a link to that article, if you're interested in reading it:
Pope Francis Article

4.)  Random, but "Duck Dynasty" is on TV right now as I'm writing this.  I think I've seen every episode multiple times, but I still laugh!  I know it's somewhat scripted, but it is just refreshing to watch an innocent, funny, and light-hearted show!

5.)  Finally, this weekend we observe Memorial Day.  This is our opportunity to thank and remember those who passed away while serving our country.  I've noticed recently that Memorial Day has evolved into recognizing ALL veterans--those who have gone before us, and those still with us.  I'd like to first thank those veterans who died protecting our freedoms, and also their family members.  Your sacrifice will never be forgotten, and it is much appreciated!  I'd also like to send a big THANKS to all veterans.  I respect your decision to "sign that line," and I appreciate what you did!  Thank you to all who have served, are currently serving, and who will serve one day!  I want to specifically thank the veterans closest to me...those in my family.  My grandpa, Dick Vander Bloomen (Army--WWII, Korea, Vietnam), my grandpa, Norb Drewiske (Army--Korea), and my brother, Bryan Vander Bloomen (Army--Iraq).  Happy Memorial Day to all!

Monday, May 6, 2013

5 Random Thoughts, Volume II

My wife and I just returned from a quick getaway to Nashville, TN.  A lot of people asked why we chose Nashville as a destination, and that answer is simple--nice weather, nice people, awesome food!  We had been there a couple times before, but this trip made me appreciate some things...

1.)  I will NEVER complain about Wisconsin road construction again.  We all know what it's like around barrels everywhere, especially in recent years with the Hwy 41 project on-going.  On our way to Tennessee, we hit more road construction areas than I can count on 2 hands.  And there was a massive traffic back-up at EVERY single one!  It made me realize that our DOT engineers must do one heck of a job figuring out ways to prevent that from happening up here.  As crazy as our construction can get, I cannot remember many times that I've been in a stand-still on Hwy 41, except for when there were car accidents. 

2.)  I was impressed (again!) by all the awesome hospitality shown to us in and around Nashville.  There is something to that "Southern Hospitality" stuff.  Waitresses, hotel workers, parking attendants--no matter who we dealt with, they were crazy polite!  I wish some waitresses/bartenders, store clerks, etc. from our area would go down there and learn a few things.  Nothing makes me more upset than bad customer service. 

3.)  While attending some local establishments and enjoying some amazing Miller Lite, I couldn't help but notice the people in that part of the city that were simply following their dreams.  All the musicians we saw playing in those tiny bars are trying to make it in the music industry, and the ones we saw, were working for tips.  I have to respect that.  Someone taking a chance, leaving a life they know, and following their dreams, WITH NO GUARANTEES of anything!  And on top of that, they were really good!  I think we should all take a page out of their books.  Don't be afraid to try something, especially the stuff that scares you.  Life is short...don't leave with any regrets.

4.)  The mall.  The people watching was amazing!  From crazy cowboy boots/hats/shirts, to the crazy hair, there was no shortage of entertainment.  I still came away with a couple things...a) Wear a belt.  No one wants to see your underwear, or what's underneath it!  b) People can hear you when you're yelling to someone on the phone.  No one cares about what you got your kid's father for his birthday, or what he said to you last night!  On a positive mall note...a) People know how to WALK in a mall in Nashville!  They didn't stop in front of you to look in a window...they MOVED OUT OF THE WAY!!!  b) Mall cops on Segways are funnier in person than in the movie "Mall Cop."

5.)  Gas was weird down there...$3.11 at one station, next door it was $3.12, and a block away it was $3.44.  I wish stations up here would get a bit competitive...could be fun for us consumers!  With that said, $4.37 in Chicago.  I still stand by my assessment (and many others!)--if gas prices were controlled and brought down to an affordable level, our economy would get better!  But that's a discussion for another day... 

Until next week...

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Weekly: 5 Random Thoughts

We all have an opinion on things.  Some say that I have strong opinions on things, and to me, that's not a bad thing.  I love hearing people's opinions on things, whether good or bad.  I've found it starts some very awesome and educational conversations.  I'm going to start a weekly blog called "5 Random Thoughts."  It'll be something fun to talk about...we all can't be serious all the time, can we???

1.)  Why is the world so fascinated with Prince William and Princess Kate (or all the royals, for that matter!)?  Princess Kate is having a what?  I have friends that are pregnant as well, but they aren't on the cover of "People" or "US Weekly."  The royals have absolutely no political pull in that country any more.  In my eyes they are just a very wealthy family that actually does some good with their fame.  I guess it's nice to see the good they do, but I really don't need to know when and how they used the bathroom.

2.)  If you know me at all, you know I love music.  Mainly country and 80's, but I appreciate good music.  Today on "Ellen," (cue the jokes!) Justin Timberlake was her guest.  I have to say, for not being a big fan of his music in the past, he is super talented.  He also seems like a nice guy.  I guess he's worth rooting for!

 3.)  Speaking of music, what is the hype with Justin Bieber?  I've heard a few of his songs, and I think we all see too much of him, but where is the talent?  He seems like a punk kid who has too much money!  His music isn't even that good, yet people flock to his shows.  When he does open his mouth, he sounds like an idiot, and should any of be forced to see his underwear on a regular basis?  I'd like to buy him a belt.

4.)  I wonder if Courtney Finley will be on that Packer Wives show on Fox 11 this next season.  If you haven't heard, the truth about Jermichael Finley seemed to have come out this past weekend when one of his mistresses tweeted about their affair.  Sounds like multiple babies with multiple women, possibly some while being married.  I have some insider information stating that majority of the accusations are true, and that multiple people may have been witness to a lot of the "stuff!"  Chalk another one up for J-Mike!  Classy role-model in our community!

 5.)  Finally, why can't we all just get a long?  It seems that as of late, whether due to politics, religion, or just plain old ego, people just seem to tick each other off.  I'm getting sick of people fighting about stuff.  Why can't we just agree to disagree on things, grab a beer, and watch a game?  That's what is supposed to make this country great!  It really makes me sad, and I can only hope and pray that our differences will be mended by even bigger common things!

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bullies Suck

I finally took some time to read a bit about the father in Kaukauna that posted a Facebook picture with his son displaying an anti-bullying sign.  His son, a 6th grader at River View Middle School, had his shoes taken from him by two boys, and then lifted over another student's head.  He was then body slammed on a wrestling mat three times.  The boy had a sore back and neck, but was not seriously hurt.  The school said that the police school liason officer interviewed 11 students and teacher, but determined that no crime was committed.  I don't want to comment on that aspect because I don't know the entire story.  However, something must have occurred!

Recently, a friend of mine posted a status on Facebook about how her son, who has a disability, was bullied at a local school.  Someone pushed him off a chair, called him the "R-word," and then began to cry.  He was then yelled at for crying.  Other students went to report it to the school office, but my friend was never told about the incident!  Come to find out, it wasn't the first time something had happened to her son.  Eventually, the mother of the bully called her to apologize and talk, and the bully wrote the boy an apology letter.  Some closure, but to me, no where near enough!

Another friend of mine recently began home-schooling her daughter because of how much she's been bullied.

THIS MAKES ME SICK!  How on God's great earth can this sort of stuff keep happening?  How can SOME (not all!) school administrators, teachers, and other students turn their heads and not do anything?  Why does ANYONE deserve to be treated like that and not be stuck up for???  Something needs to be done with this.  I remember throughout school that there were kids that were picked on--it even happened to me early on in grade school.  It makes me wonder if I was ever the one doing the teasing.  If I did, I sincerely apologize to anyone that I did that too.  I know it's cliche, but it's these types of injustices that made me want to become a police officer, and I look forward to helping these victims get some sort of justice.

So, what can we do as a society to help and prevent this type of stuff from happening?  I am leaning towards supporting the proposed bill by a state lawmaker to penalize school officials and teachers if they find out they've ignored bullying--it's a start!  I know some of my teacher friends don't agree with that, but to me it's a start to the broader discussion.  It's no different if I neglect to report abuse that I hear about--both with my role as a law enforcement officer, as well as my role as a religion teacher at my church.  I know the problem comes down to how to enforce the issue, but I think something has to be done to hold the ADULTS in these situations more accountable.  If someone fails to report something (ie. Joe Paterno), they are JUST AS GUILTY as the kids doing the bullying.  I know it's hard to "trust" our system, but something has to give. 

Here is the link to the Post-Crecent story about the Kaukauna man and his son:

It's worth a read.  I sincerely hope and pray that this stuff can have attention drawn to it VERY SOON in order to make this problem go away.  Until then, treat each other with respect...please.

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