Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5 Random Thoughts--Volume III

Late as usual, but I've been so busy that I haven't had time to think!  I have so many random thoughts throughout my days...I should probably start writing them down!!! 

If you haven't already, I invite you to check out what the other guys that contribute to this blog have had to say over the past several weeks.  Some good stuff!  1st Word Home Page

1.)  First of all, I need to send my prayers and thoughts to those affected by the Oklahoma tornado.  I am a firm believer in that something positive ALWAYS comes out of something negative.  In this situation, of all the many stories coming from this tragedy, I heard a sports news report that Oklahoma City Thunder's (NBA) Kevin Durant's foundation would be donating $1 million to relief services for victims.  After that, the NBA and the player's union matched that donation.  The team itself also matched the donation.  And then 2 large corporations, both sponsors of the Thunder, added another $3.5 million total.  That's a total of $6.5 million, from 6 different entities.  The report also stated that Durant did not want it known that he made the donation--humble!  I know $6.5 million is going to be a small drop in the bucket in this case, but what a great start and example!  Now, can you imagine what this world (or just our country!) would be like if those that were super fortunate, and blessed, financially would be that selfless??!!  Do Albert Pujols, Alex Rodriguez, Aaron Rodgers, and Lebron James really need the full amount of money given to them in their monster contracts?  And those are just 4 athletes.  That's not counting the numerous CEOs, actors, lottery winners, etc. out there that have more money than they know what to do with!  Something to ponder.  So many ways to get involved in this situation.  Glad to see so many from our own community already doing so!  Turn on the news to see what I'm talking about!

2.)  The Brewers...eek!  More and more people are calling for changes across the board.  I wrote a while back that I felt Ron Roenicke should not be fired in the middle of the year, in contrast to the "norm" in professional sports.  I still feel that way.  Yes, everything starts with leadership.  A good friend and co-worker likes to say, "You lead from the front!"  However, you can only lead a horse to water...can't make them drink.  At the end of the day, the players are the ones playing the game.  If they aren't producing (Rickie Weeks!), you need to find other options.  Maybe that's where Roenicke is at fault.  I have not seen much in the way of help coming in.  Not counting anyone out of a pennant race yet, but it's getting close.  I still love watching baseball...but I can't help but notice that Packers Training Camp is only a couple months away!

3.)  Our beloved Pope Francis was the topic of an article I saw today on Facebook.  It talked about how even Atheists are able to be redeemed as well!  I'm glad my personal belief has finally been publicly acknowledged!  To me, it shouldn't matter what, who, or how you believe in something.  If you are a good person, you are fulfilling the human desire!  How can that be faulted?  Here is a link to that article, if you're interested in reading it:
Pope Francis Article

4.)  Random, but "Duck Dynasty" is on TV right now as I'm writing this.  I think I've seen every episode multiple times, but I still laugh!  I know it's somewhat scripted, but it is just refreshing to watch an innocent, funny, and light-hearted show!

5.)  Finally, this weekend we observe Memorial Day.  This is our opportunity to thank and remember those who passed away while serving our country.  I've noticed recently that Memorial Day has evolved into recognizing ALL veterans--those who have gone before us, and those still with us.  I'd like to first thank those veterans who died protecting our freedoms, and also their family members.  Your sacrifice will never be forgotten, and it is much appreciated!  I'd also like to send a big THANKS to all veterans.  I respect your decision to "sign that line," and I appreciate what you did!  Thank you to all who have served, are currently serving, and who will serve one day!  I want to specifically thank the veterans closest to me...those in my family.  My grandpa, Dick Vander Bloomen (Army--WWII, Korea, Vietnam), my grandpa, Norb Drewiske (Army--Korea), and my brother, Bryan Vander Bloomen (Army--Iraq).  Happy Memorial Day to all!

Monday, May 6, 2013

5 Random Thoughts, Volume II

My wife and I just returned from a quick getaway to Nashville, TN.  A lot of people asked why we chose Nashville as a destination, and that answer is simple--nice weather, nice people, awesome food!  We had been there a couple times before, but this trip made me appreciate some things...

1.)  I will NEVER complain about Wisconsin road construction again.  We all know what it's like around barrels everywhere, especially in recent years with the Hwy 41 project on-going.  On our way to Tennessee, we hit more road construction areas than I can count on 2 hands.  And there was a massive traffic back-up at EVERY single one!  It made me realize that our DOT engineers must do one heck of a job figuring out ways to prevent that from happening up here.  As crazy as our construction can get, I cannot remember many times that I've been in a stand-still on Hwy 41, except for when there were car accidents. 

2.)  I was impressed (again!) by all the awesome hospitality shown to us in and around Nashville.  There is something to that "Southern Hospitality" stuff.  Waitresses, hotel workers, parking attendants--no matter who we dealt with, they were crazy polite!  I wish some waitresses/bartenders, store clerks, etc. from our area would go down there and learn a few things.  Nothing makes me more upset than bad customer service. 

3.)  While attending some local establishments and enjoying some amazing Miller Lite, I couldn't help but notice the people in that part of the city that were simply following their dreams.  All the musicians we saw playing in those tiny bars are trying to make it in the music industry, and the ones we saw, were working for tips.  I have to respect that.  Someone taking a chance, leaving a life they know, and following their dreams, WITH NO GUARANTEES of anything!  And on top of that, they were really good!  I think we should all take a page out of their books.  Don't be afraid to try something, especially the stuff that scares you.  Life is short...don't leave with any regrets.

4.)  The mall.  The people watching was amazing!  From crazy cowboy boots/hats/shirts, to the crazy hair, there was no shortage of entertainment.  I still came away with a couple things...a) Wear a belt.  No one wants to see your underwear, or what's underneath it!  b) People can hear you when you're yelling to someone on the phone.  No one cares about what you got your kid's father for his birthday, or what he said to you last night!  On a positive mall note...a) People know how to WALK in a mall in Nashville!  They didn't stop in front of you to look in a window...they MOVED OUT OF THE WAY!!!  b) Mall cops on Segways are funnier in person than in the movie "Mall Cop."

5.)  Gas was weird down there...$3.11 at one station, next door it was $3.12, and a block away it was $3.44.  I wish stations up here would get a bit competitive...could be fun for us consumers!  With that said, $4.37 in Chicago.  I still stand by my assessment (and many others!)--if gas prices were controlled and brought down to an affordable level, our economy would get better!  But that's a discussion for another day... 

Until next week...

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