Saturday, July 13, 2013

Random Thoughts: Volume VI

Judging from Facebook "likes" and comments, a lot of my friends have seen this picture already.  If you haven't, there was a perfect rainbow in the Green Bay/De Pere area a couple weeks ago.  I took this on the St. Norbert College campus.  That is Old St. Joseph Church.  Enjoy!

1.)  This past Thursday, July 11, was a great day for Appleton sports radio.  It was the last day of the "Generic Sports Show" on WSCO (95.3FM) hosted by Scott Stevens.  The ONLY reason I would listen to the show here and there is because it was the only sports stuff on the radio in this market other than Jim Rome in that time-slot.  Scott Stevens is probably the most whiny, over the top, fake, and annoying radio host in the market (and that's saying something!).  His rants were a lot of times forced, almost like as he was hearing himself talk he realized that he needed to make it bigger.  His regular callers had to all be in their 70's, had awful fake laughs, and would ramble on and on and on.  My only hope is that they don't bring in the guy who also does the stadium announcing for the T-Rats.  I can't even remember his name, but if I have to hear him "scoop" and "enhance" everything he says, I think I may have to call Harry Sydney just to hear him speak...........just kidding.  If you've been to a T-Rats' game, that annoying guy announcing the names sounds the same on the radio...  

2.)  For some reason over the past couple weeks I've caught the introduction to the National Anthem before a radio broadcast of the Brewers' games, only for them to go to commercial as it was about to start.  That got me thinking...why don't we get to hear/see the National Anthem being performed prior to a sporting event on TV/radio?  It's usually only the big games that we are privileged to hear/see that portion, and usually only because it's a famous singer performing it.  Is it really that important  to sell those commercial spots?  Why can't we all get to hear/watch that part, and THEN go to commercial?  During the television broadcast of a home Brewers' game we get to watch "America the Beautiful" during the middle of the 7th inning.  Just seems fitting that we could hear/see the National Anthem as well!

3.)  Speaking of Brewers' games, the ONE good thing about them stinking up the NL Central is that Bob Uecker seems to tell more stories!  What a treasure we have in that man!  Because of the hours I work, I have listened to almost every Brewers' game this season on the radio.  I love nothing more than to hear a pitch sequence interrupted by Uecker telling about how he met so-and-so, and he told him something off the wall 40+ years ago.  It will be a sad day when Uecker retires.  His type of play-by-play is a dying breed in today's sporting world (ie. Jim Irwin and Max McGee vs. Wayne Larivee and Larry McCarren...I like Larry...worked with him for awhile...can't stand Wayne...for the record).  I'm just glad we'll have recordings of him to play for the next generation as they learn to love the game of baseball!

 4.)  I am sick and tired of negative people.  I have literally had it.  Someone fairly close to me has recently proven this to me.  This person has recently ripped my profession because cops "have it pretty easy."  This person hates the Packers and their organization because they make too much money.  This person hates business owners because they make too much money.  This person hates the highway project because it cost too much money and is "stupid."  The ironic part is that this person purchases cars and other motor stuff for cheap, fixes them up, and sells them for good cash...aka, they make a profit.  That's okay though.  So basically, when this person benefits, it's okay.  When they don't, the other people are crooks.   This person has always had a hate towards something...just has gotten worse as of late.  Sadly, I've been noticing this a lot amongst people I know...both in person and on Facebook/Twitter.  I'm to the point that I'm just going to start cutting these people out of my life.  Why bother with pity parties and woe-is-me junk?  Life is too short, and I'm sick of being brought down with them.  If you're reading this and you start realizing I'm no longer conversing with you, maybe you should take a hint.

5.)  Finally, I have a poll question:  Who's the bigger train-wreck...Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Bynes, or Miley Cyrus?  Talk about some classy ladies.  Lohan is well documented.  Bynes just can't figure out which wig she's going to wear on a given day, and Cyrus needs help.  Sad to think it, but all I see is Marilyn Monroe and that Smith chick all over these 3 girls...

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