Thursday, April 25, 2013

Weekly: 5 Random Thoughts

We all have an opinion on things.  Some say that I have strong opinions on things, and to me, that's not a bad thing.  I love hearing people's opinions on things, whether good or bad.  I've found it starts some very awesome and educational conversations.  I'm going to start a weekly blog called "5 Random Thoughts."  It'll be something fun to talk about...we all can't be serious all the time, can we???

1.)  Why is the world so fascinated with Prince William and Princess Kate (or all the royals, for that matter!)?  Princess Kate is having a what?  I have friends that are pregnant as well, but they aren't on the cover of "People" or "US Weekly."  The royals have absolutely no political pull in that country any more.  In my eyes they are just a very wealthy family that actually does some good with their fame.  I guess it's nice to see the good they do, but I really don't need to know when and how they used the bathroom.

2.)  If you know me at all, you know I love music.  Mainly country and 80's, but I appreciate good music.  Today on "Ellen," (cue the jokes!) Justin Timberlake was her guest.  I have to say, for not being a big fan of his music in the past, he is super talented.  He also seems like a nice guy.  I guess he's worth rooting for!

 3.)  Speaking of music, what is the hype with Justin Bieber?  I've heard a few of his songs, and I think we all see too much of him, but where is the talent?  He seems like a punk kid who has too much money!  His music isn't even that good, yet people flock to his shows.  When he does open his mouth, he sounds like an idiot, and should any of be forced to see his underwear on a regular basis?  I'd like to buy him a belt.

4.)  I wonder if Courtney Finley will be on that Packer Wives show on Fox 11 this next season.  If you haven't heard, the truth about Jermichael Finley seemed to have come out this past weekend when one of his mistresses tweeted about their affair.  Sounds like multiple babies with multiple women, possibly some while being married.  I have some insider information stating that majority of the accusations are true, and that multiple people may have been witness to a lot of the "stuff!"  Chalk another one up for J-Mike!  Classy role-model in our community!

 5.)  Finally, why can't we all just get a long?  It seems that as of late, whether due to politics, religion, or just plain old ego, people just seem to tick each other off.  I'm getting sick of people fighting about stuff.  Why can't we just agree to disagree on things, grab a beer, and watch a game?  That's what is supposed to make this country great!  It really makes me sad, and I can only hope and pray that our differences will be mended by even bigger common things!

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